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"When the chips
are down, you are given the chance to find the strength you never knew you had
and put it toward the greater good. Or go over to the dark side. You know, if
that's how you roll." - Jessica Lave
Life, they say is not a bed of roses. Everyone is bound to
face challenging situations at some point in time. Such challenges come
irrespective of our class, pedigree, or status in the society, and most times,
they leave us frustrated and depressed. Meeting oneself in a difficult
situation is however not as important as the reaction to such situations. A
person's response to unfavourable circumstances is what could ultimately make
or mar him. How then does one navigate through the challenges that life
consistently throws around? What do you have to do when difficult situations
seems to be overwhelming you? And what is the next step to take when the chips
are down? The answer to these questions have I provided in the following five
(5) points.
1. Acknowledge
the reality of the situation
The first thing
you need to do is to acknowledge the fact that you are indeed in a challenging
situation. This is not to make you give up, or see yourself as a failure,
rather, it will help you to be truthful to yourself and see the need to do all
you can to put yourself back on the right track.
It must also be at the back of your mind that everyone
experiences difficulties at some point in time. So you should not give in to
depression and begin to ask: "Why me?" The truth is that no matter what
you are passing through, some other persons have passed through similar or
worse situations, and they were able to come out of it stronger and better.
Your case too, should not be an exception.
2. The cause of the situation and the
lessons learnt
Twyla Tharp
stated: "Ultimately there is no such thing as failure. There are lessons
learned in different ways." Once you have accepted the reality of the
situation you found yourself, the next thing is for you to sit down and reflect
on all that happened. Ask yourself: "What brought me to this point? What
mistakes did I make? What lessons can I learn from this journey so far?"
You need to ask yourself these questions and provide sincere answers to them,
as such answers would help you bring out the cause(s) of your present
situation, and the lesson(s) you can learn from it, which would help you as you
continue your journey through life.
3. Prepare your mind for another
attempt and stay positive
What you should do
next is to prepare your mind for another attempt. You cannot do anything about
the past, but you can do a lot about the present and future. So dust off the
past with its negative memories, and enthusiastically look at the brighter side
that the present and future presents.
4. Get some encouragements
We all need
encouragement from time to time - that is our nature as humans. Encouragements
motivate us and make us go all out to achieve our goals. You also, need to talk
about your situation with persons who can encourage and guide you till you are
back on track.
You must note however that it is not everybody that you can
talk to. Some would only dampen your spirit and leave you more confused through
their words. So discuss only with
like-minded people, and persons who have successfully passed through similar
situations, and have grown wiser, stronger, and better for it. Such persons can
provide you with useful advice and helpful tips to encourage and guide you all
the way.
5. Take action
Taking action is
the most important of all the things you can do when the chips are down. No
matter how difficult the circumstances you found yourself might be, the right
actions you take is what can bring you out of such difficulties. Do not
therefore stay passive till the waters of anxiety, frustration, and depression
get you drowned. Tony Robbins said: "The path to success is to take
massive, determined action." So step out! Take action! Go for it! And you
will surely achieve your desired success.
In conclusion, let me state that while finding a way out of
a challenging or difficult situation is good, the more important thing is what
you can take away from such a situation. So
when the chips are down, you should come out wiser, stronger, and better.
I'd leave you with the following quotes, which I believe can
shed more light on my last statement:
"The world breaks
everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." -
Ernest Hemingway
"Through all the
heartaches and the tears, through gloomy days and fruitless years; I do give
thanks for now I know, these were the things that helped me grow." -
David Lockett
"You gain
strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop
to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through
this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'" - Eleanor
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