It's a new year! A new beginning! A fresh start! I welcome
you, my esteemed readers, to this New Year that is filled with new
opportunities and possibilities, and my sincere desire is that it will be a prosperous
year for you, your family, and your loved ones.
Indeed, I believe strongly that this year is filled with a
lot of opportunities which if properly utilized can take each and everyone to a
level of success that is far beyond our imagination.
Dear reader, this year presents an opportunity for you to
change the status quo: to discover yourself, to experience growth in every area
of life, to take your career and business to the next level, to excel in all
your undertakings, and to experience that sense of fulfillment that only comes
with true success.
There is certainly a lot you can achieve this year despite the challenges and obstacles that may come your way. However, there is one obstacle that could hinder you from achieving your much-desired success, and that obstacle is YOU.
Yes, you read that correctly. You could be the number one obstacle to whatever goals and plans you have for the year. That is because you can easily get help from others to overcome all other challenges and obstacles but self-imposed obstacles cannot be dealt with by others—it is a thing you must do yourself. In other words, self-imposed obstacles, brought about mostly by your inaction are the greatest obstacles to your success. Without you having the mental toughness to deal with these obstacles that come from within you, you might not be able to achieve that which you desire for the year.
Related: Wait:Did You achieve Your Goals For 2018?
Here are some of the self-imposed obstacles you should deal with:
Here are some of the self-imposed obstacles you should deal with:
1. Apathy
Without the needed enthusiasm and interest in a particular
undertaking, achieving true success in such becomes impossible. You must be
very passionate about whatever you do to be able to make a success of it.
Venturing into a business or career you do not have a passion for would only
lead to frustration and poor results.
The solution to this obstacle is for you to engage only in
things you have a great deal of passion for. It is that deep interest you have
in an endeavor that will motivate you to continue with it when challenges come
your way, and continuing with it will surely get you your desired results.
2. Procrastination
Postponing or delaying what needs to be done is a challenge
a lot of people are facing in their lives. It is a self-imposed obstacle that
must be put away before any meaningful level of success can be attained. Look
around you and study the life of anyone you know who has achieved success in
his or her endeavors, you would see that such a person does what needs to be
done at the right time, and that is one of the secrets of success you might not
know or might not have seriously considered.
To deal with procrastination, do not postpone till tomorrow
that which you can do today.
3. Excuses
Many people could have reached the top in life if only they
had shunned giving excuses and found a means to get the needed job done. One
fact about excuses is that when you form a habit of giving them, you would
always find an explanation for not doing that which you ought to have done.
Those who give excuses tend to blame others for their
predicament. While it's possible that someone else might be responsible for a
predicament, a person who is truly committed to his cause would look beyond
that and seek for ways to overcome his challenges and achieve his goals.
You can prevail over excuses by renewing your commitment to
that which you do and accepting the fact that you and you alone, are
responsible for your success or failure.
4. Laziness
This is perhaps, the greatest of the self-imposed obstacles
which can hinder a person from attaining success. When a person is lazy, he or
she would usually dream and wish to be successful but such a dream may never
come true; that is because success only comes when series of actions are taken
and not merely by wishing for it. Debbie Ford did justice to this fact when she
stated that: "often, psychological laziness will have you switch your life
over to autopilot and fall asleep at the wheel rather than stay awake to what
will fulfill your heart's deepest desires and your soul's purpose."
The way out of laziness is for you to always remember that
actions must be taken before success can be achieved and that should make you
work hard in all your endeavors.
Related: 7 Things Being Diligent Will Do for You
Related: 7 Things Being Diligent Will Do for You
5. Ego
While a healthy ego is good and needed by everyone, an
over-blown ego is a very big obstacle to success. We all need others in life.
You cannot attain your goals all by yourself without the assistance or input of
people around you or others that you meet in your day to day life. However,
when an over-blown sense of self-importance sets in, you'd tend to look down on
people, especially those you feel are not in the same class as you.
Ironically, in many cases, it is those people whom you have
looked down on in the past that you'd find in strategic positions in the future
where you cannot but need them to help you out. The help you'll get from them
would then depend on how you treated them in the past when you exhibited your
exaggerated sense of importance.
To attain success this year, you must deal with your ego.
Give humility a chance in your life and it will attract your helpers to you.
6. Lack of Discipline/Self-control
Self-discipline is all about your ability to control
yourself and your actions, that is, the things you say and do. It is about you
denying yourself the pleasure you can enjoy now in favor of the pleasure,
satisfaction, and fulfillment you will enjoy in the long term. An undisciplined
lifestyle would make you think only about the present and that is a big
obstacle because success is long term in nature and you need to sacrifice a lot
in the present in order to eventually enjoy success in whatever you do.
In this year, the sacrifices you are willing to make through
self-discipline will greatly determine how far you'll go in attaining your
goals for the year.
Related: Winning With Time
I believe that a critical look at the six self-imposed
obstacles I discussed above will reveal to you that you are the only one who
can deal with them yourself. In other words, dealing with, and removing these
obstacles is a responsibility you owe yourself, and you'll have only yourself
to blame if you do not take any action and any of these obstacles eventually
hinder your success in the course of the year: that is why I stated that YOU could be the greatest obstacle to
your success this year. It is all about the choice you'll make: deal with the
obstacles and rise to the top, ignore them and stay down. It is that simple!
What other
self-imposed obstacles do you think can prevent one from achieving success?
Share them in the comments below.
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