Tuesday, 9 August 2016


In order to be successful in life, there are certain things which you cannot but do. Those things include:

Thursday, 7 April 2016


Image Credit: www.whisper.sh

It may seem there is no way out

It may appear that all hope is lost

You may even be on the verge of giving up -

Or have actually given up

But remember this:

It is not yet over for you

Indeed, you tried all you can

But nothing positive came out of it

You gave it your best shot

But nothing to show for it

Just remember this:

It is not yet over for you

You are in a terrible financial situation

Your marriage has again hit the rock

You are being punished for what you know nothing about

Or you feel unfulfilled in life

Again remember this:

It is not yet over for you


Image credit: www.joeynicholson.com

You've stayed too long on a spot
Now is the time to get moving
It is time to take action
It is the right time to move forward

You've always said you will do it
But you've never done it
Procrastination, they say is the thief of time
And it has stolen so much from you

Saturday, 12 March 2016


Image Credit: www.hardboiledpoker.com

"When the chips are down, you are given the chance to find the strength you never knew you had and put it toward the greater good. Or go over to the dark side. You know, if that's how you roll." - Jessica Lave

Life, they say is not a bed of roses. Everyone is bound to face challenging situations at some point in time. Such challenges come irrespective of our class, pedigree, or status in the society, and most times, they leave us frustrated and depressed. Meeting oneself in a difficult situation is however not as important as the reaction to such situations. A person's response to unfavourable circumstances is what could ultimately make or mar him. How then does one navigate through the challenges that life consistently throws around? What do you have to do when difficult situations seems to be overwhelming you? And what is the next step to take when the chips are down? The answer to these questions have I provided in the following five (5) points.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


Image Credit: www.dreamstime.com

Sometimes, life brings what you do not expect. At times, you feel that you

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Image credit: www.dreamstime.com

Hello my dear readers.

Today's post is a wonderful article which I got from the Facebook Timeline of David Adeoye. Although it was written about a month ago, it caught my attention because the things he discussed can be applied to our lives at any given point in time. I believe you my readers can learn one or two things from it. Enjoy it...

  For many individuals with an interest in specific knowledge pursuits (academic or professional educational), I am pleased to share with you a process and approach that I have tested and found to be effective in handling mentally tasking initiatives despite other demands on ones time (including work and commuting).
It was the late management sage, Peter F. Drucker (1909-2005), that said in one of his books that "the limits of any process are set by the scarcest resource". He continued that "in the enterprise called knowledge work, this scarcest resource is time."