
Monday, 17 April 2017


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One indisputable fact is that not everyone will secure a white-collar job. The issue of unemployment plaguing many countries makes it difficult to get any job at all, let alone such being a white-collar one. In such a situation, there are two options open to an individual: he either keeps searching endlessly for a job, or he creates one for himself. Yes, creating a job for yourself is the antidote to that challenge of unemployment you are presently faced with. And believe me, even if you have a place where you work, nothing compares to being your own boss.

However, I know that starting a job or business of your own can be very challenging, especially when one considers the needed capital; but that should not stop you from being your own boss as there are lots of profitable businesses that can be done on a small scale. There are lots of services you can render to people around you, and make good money in return. Businesses like Photography, Barbing/hair Salon, Catering services, Fashion designing, Shoe making, etc., are services that are always needed, and which you can start with little capital. All you need do is hit the streets and meet the needs of people.

Having said that, there are certain things you need to know that will help you achieve success with such businesses. I therefore present these ten tips to help you make money from the streets.

1. Don't be afraid to start small

You probably have seen well-established shops or businesses doing the same or similar thing to what you have in mind, and you wonder when you would get to achieve their kind of success. You must however know that those big businesses didn't attain their level of success in a day. In fact, some of them started from scratch, and it took some time - actually, some years - before they became big. Therefore, you too should not be afraid to start that business. A popular adage says that “Rome wasn't built in a day”. Your business will also become a force to reckon with but it won't happen overnight. So start small, and see it become very big.

2. Venture into the right kind of business

You cannot wake up one morning and pick just any business that comes to your mind without considering the potentials of such. One of the questions you should ask yourself is that will your intended business be one that would consistently be on high demand? In order to get the answer to that, you must consider if the business is one which can meet the needs of those around you. When you get involved in something that people like and cannot do without, then you can be sure that it’s likely going to be a very successful business.

Also, it is advisable that you choose a business that requires little start off capital and that has bulk profit as returns. Unless you already have some huge amount in your bank account, or some persons have promised to invest in your business, you must know that you have to cut your coat according to your cloth. You should choose a business you can start off with your personal savings or that, which you can easily source for its capital.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider in deciding the right kind of business for you is the passion you have for it. You may not succeed in that business if you have little or no passion for it. You must remember that like every human endeavour, you will certainly face challenges in the course of running your business; and in such situations, your passion for the business is what would sustain you and help you overcome.

3. Deal with your ego

Your ego is one thing which can stand on your way to being your own boss. You may feel too big to do certain kinds of jobs. For instance, as a university graduate, you may see shoe making as a low status jobs, but the truth is that there are many graduates who are into making of shoes and who are making good money from it.

Also, you may feel too big to learn a job from someone of a lower social status. In such a case, you would only succeed in denying yourself the opportunity to tap into the person’s wealth of knowledge, and you’d certainly be the one on the losing side. You should therefore be humble, and purge yourself of every egoistic mentality.

4. Be prepared for challenges

You cannot run away from challenges because they will certainly come. You must however understand that facing challenges is not as important as how you deal with them. The way you go about dealing with the challenges that will come up will determine how successful your business would be.

One of the challenges you should be prepared for is that you might lose some money in the early days of your business. This could be as a result of inexperience or the fact that you are not yet known by many people who could patronize you. You must however not be deterred by that as it is a phase that would pass away sooner than you think. All you need do is to believe in yourself and in your abilities, and keep working hard. You must also make up your mind not to give up no matter the challenges that come your way.

Related: Don't give up

5. Know that there’s a time for growth

The Good book states that “to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” The growth stage is a phase you will surely pass through in your business. It is a time for you to develop yourself, master the needed skills, and get to be on your feet. You must know that it is not a time to chase after money – yes, you are in business to make money, but at the growth phase, making maximum profit should not be your aim. The time to make money will come, but at this stage, your aim should be to develop yourself maximally.

6. Always showcase what you know how to do best

No one would know what you are capable of without you showing it to them. You should seize every opportunity that comes your way to let people know about your business. From your family members, to friends, to neighbours, to all those you come across; let everyone know the business you are into.

The social media is a powerful tool you must not overlook as millions of people make use of it daily. What that means is that when you start publicizing your business on the various social media platforms, people all over the world would get to know about it, and before you know it, they would start contacting you on how to benefit from what you have to offer.

However, you must know that the patronage you will get depends on the quality you present. If the goods or services you are advertising is of low quality, then be sure that you cannot make any profit from such. People will always go for quality no matter how high the price may be, therefore endeavour to present the best you can at all times.

7. Control your temperament

In the course of running your business, you will daily come across different kinds of people. While some would be easy to deal with, others would not be. The behaviour and words of some will make you so angry that you would be tempted to shout at them, or to push them out of your shop or office. That is why you need to learn how to control your temperament, especially if you are the type with a bad temper. No matter how annoying the behaviour of some of your customers may be, learn to accommodate their excesses. Even if it is on a day in which you are not in a good mood, still, you should react to such customers in a civil way. A good temperament will lead to a good relationship with your customers, which is Key to the success of any kind of business.

8. Move with positive-minded people

If you truly want to be successful, then you must avoid people who cannot make any positive contribution to your business. No matter how hard you try, some will never see anything good in what you are doing, and if you are not careful, such people’s words can make your morale very low, which in turn can have a negative impact on your business. Therefore carefully choose those you move with – make sure they are positive-minded people whose morale support you can count on.

9. Keep Records

Never make the mistake of thinking that: because you are just starting out, your business does not need much record keeping. You must learn to keep records at all times beginning from the first step you take concerning your business. You must know where your business stands in terms of income and expenditure, profit and losses, assets and liabilities, and every other relevant information. Having a good record of your business will not only make you know where your business stands at the moment, it will also help you plan for the future. A good record is also important in writing and defending a business plan. You must therefore keep proper records of your business

10. Have a mentor

Do you wish to move faster on the ladder of success? Do you desire to be better than your colleagues? Do you want to avoid the mistakes others have made in the past? If your answer is yes, then you should have a mentor. A mentor will not only give you the needed advice, but can also see when you are about to make a big mistake, and will direct you to the right path. (S)he can also share inspiring success stories with you; and with a mentor, you can ask any question you need answers to.

 I am sure you have learnt a thing or two from these shared tips. All that is left to do is for you to hit the streets with the little resources at your disposal. Create a business of your own, and confidently take on the challenges that come with it. In no distant future, you will rule your world!

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